
Whirlpool Washing Machines

in Washing Machines

Every Mum’s got a Whirlpool

When I was a young apprentice that seemed to be the case, ” Everyone’s Mum has got a Whirlpool Washing Machine.” The very popular Whirlpool Company ran a very successful advertising campaign. Although there were two other major brands in the large automatic market place, Whirlpool washers were very popular.  Even after years of washing these machines were brought into the workshop for a complete overhaul. As an apprentice it was my job to completely dismantle these washing machines and replace worn gears and bearings, clean and lubricate and reassemble. These were a very mechanical machine. They had a system of coils and cams which change the operation of the machine from wash to drain and then spin. These were an Australian made machine.

This is a send up of the old Whirlpool adds by Dave Hughes.

The original Whirlpool Company was bought out by Simpson which was then bought by Email Pty Ltd. The old design Whirlpool washer was replaced by a Simpson designed machine and was then rebadged as a Malleys Whirlpool. That design has now been discontinued as well.

The present day Whirlpool machine available in retailer’s shops is an American design and built machine. Although the American Built machine has some of the same features the gearbox and motor assembly is completely different machine. The motor has direct drive rubber coupling to the gearbox. On the other end of the motor directly fitted to the shaft is the drain pump. It is quite a unique design. When the motor drives in one direction it drives through the gearbox giving agitating movement to the agitator. At the end of the wash cycle the motor is paused and then it turns in the reverse direction and this drives the pump to pump the water out of the machine. The gearbox sit in a neutral position. After a set amount of time the motor is paused again. Then when the motor starts up it goes in the same direction as pump out, but this time the neutral pack disengages and the clutch picks up the inner bowl and begins to spin. This design is used in all the Whirlpool manufactured machines including the new Maytag Machines which now come out of the Whirlpool factory.

I doubt if there are any of the old Australian made Whirlpools left still working in homes around Mackay, but if they are and you want it repaired give me a call. As for all the other styles of Whirlpool washing machines I also repair those so give me a call if you live in the Mackay District on 0408776405

This add was done by Bert Newton & Molly Meldrum

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